11 Al Shabaab Militants Killed In Kenyan Military Operation

By July 16, 2021August 2nd, 2021Africa, Latest News

Bilateral Counter Terror Operations

Kenya Defense Force (KDF) Special Operations troops killed 11 Al-Shabaab militants in support of Jubaland Security Forces (JSF) that came under attack in the vicinity of Kuday, in the Jubaland region of southern Somalia.

The operation was triggered by an ambush at 6:30 AM on Jubaland Security Forces returning from a clearance patrol in the area. Kenyan forces from a nearby forward operating base headquartered in Kismayo deployed a helicopter gunship along with a ground element that responded to the ambush. Nine dismounted Al Shabaab fighters were killed in the ensuing battle with another two killed in a pair of vehicles that attempted to flee. There are no reports of KDF or JSF casualties in the ambush or subsequent counter-attack.

Shaky Relationships

The operation comes at a time of heightened tensions between the Kenyan government and Somali President Mohamed Farmaajo, whose administration has accused Kenya of interference in Somalia’s internal affairs citing the continued presence of Kenyan troops and recent maritime border disputes. Kenya has consistently denied any interference and instead says Farmaajo is using Kenyan intervention in the country as a scapegoat to leverage political support as he pursues a controversial term extension.

Kenya has maintained positive relations with the Jubaland government which has bore the brunt of Al-Shabaab’s ambitions to control territory in the border region. This collaborative relationship will likely be strengthened by Kenya’s display of commitment to their shared interest of degrading the militant group and it can be expected that future joint operations will likely occur in the region.


Fanuel McCarthy – freelance journalist covering geopolitics and conflict in the Horn of Africa